Tuesday, 19 June 2007

3D Casino

This is the first minor project i started using the 3D engine i have been working on for the last couple of years, it would eventually become a full blown casino game (if i had the artwork) currently its possible to walk up to the blackjack table and play against the computer dealer.

It is availible for download here: Casino (right click and save as)

I havent included the source code for this one due to alot of the code still being used in other projects

//Please note in order for the control system properly sometimes the user maps files need to be deleted from
//C:\Program Files\Common Files\DirectX\DirectInput\User Maps


Standard controls are defined for the keyboards, and these involve the use of the W,A,S,D and arrow keys for movement
Right Shift controls jump
when in the "capture" area of a game it will offer you to press Enter to start whereby the controls for that game will be displayed at the bottom left.

for blackjack it is "H" to hit "Space" to stick "Q" to quit and "enter" to start again

control pads can be setup by pressing "f2" or by selecting them from the menu

Pressing "Z" can be used for viewing the entire deck whilest in a game and will also display the bounding spheres used to trigger the game

//to do

*adjust the rectangle for collecting the card data as there is a very slight overlap

*adjust timing in order to cap framerate, on higher spec pc's can achive 800+ fps and lower machines as low as 80 - 100. makes control system fairly varied and too fast in some cases

*wrap all d3dx functions into a management system in order to protect against memory leaks

*update the collision detection system based on the AABB and OBB princilples

*include some kind of betting system

* fix the restore device objects in order to allow the user to correctly change modes on-the-fly

*link support for quake 3's bsp level files in order to leave the scene management more in the hands of the artists

*create some kind of dynamic lighting system to begin to visualise the look of an actual casino

*correctly abstract some members of the XfileEntity class in order to have optimal world objects

*finish wrapping the control pad support into direct input and maybe even use microsofts Xinput libraries as an attempt to gain knowledge of the next gen architecture.

*using direct input and XAct add some in game music and sound effects

* position the camera and card displays as though they are actually playing on the table, include animation for dealer and show the cards being delt and played as a real game would

*create the following games
Poker (texas hold em)
Video Poker
Slot Machines
Wheel of fortune type game

* add support for multiple players using direct play

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